Thursday, January 15, 2009

Howlin Rain - Howlin Rain (2006)

Before the skinny ties and retro-chic drainpipes there was dust-filled denim and broken boots. Before the carefully-waxed hair and poncey vocals there were eight-dollar shag-cuts and whiskey-soaked voices. The best rock came from America and was played by bands with names like Credence Clearwater Revival, The Grateful Dead, The Allman Brothers, The Band. Artists like these have never been forgotten, but seem somewhat neglected in today’s retro-centric rock, probably because these artists perfected the genres of Southern Rock and California Soul and no one has since been worthy enough to take the helm; until Howlin’ Rain, a collaboration between guitarist Ethan Miller from Comets on Fire and drummer John Moloney of Sunburned Hand of Man. With a wah-wah pedal and banjo-player Ian Gradek as the extent of their effects, Howlin’ Rain produce a rough, honest sound that’s equal parts jam, blues, country and a hint of noise. The haunting and nostalgic “Calling Lightning With a Scythe? features a raucous barroom chorus led by Miller’s world-weary voice and a minute or so of running the mic along the guitar strings. Music for pickers, grinners, lovers and sinners.-Birdman

1. Death Prayer in Heaven's Orchard
2. Calling Lightning with a Scythe
3. Roll on the Rusted Days
4. Hanging Heart
5. Show Business
6. Indians, Whores and Spanish Men of God
7. In Sand and Dirt
8. Firing of the Midnight Rain

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